Shortage Of Hepatitis A Vaccines In Canada: What You Need To Know

Saniya Aamir
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

The increasing demand, plus shipping delays has led to a shortage of Hepatitis A vaccines in Canada. Some manufacturers of these vaccines claim, that their shortage may prolong all the through Spring.

The majority of Hepatitis A vaccines presently available in Canada are manufactured through three major companies. These include GSK, Merck and Sanofi. However, on Wednesday, it was announced by Health Canada, that the three companies are claiming shortage of the vaccine.

The following statement was made by a spokesperson from Health Canada:

“Health Canada is actively looking into these shortage reports to determine the impact on the Canadian healthcare system and patient access”

So, How Does This Shortage Affect You?

The viral infection called Hepatitis A mainly affects our liver and spreads through the intake of water or food which may have been infected.

How might your water or food get infected with Hepatitis A?

You may come across contaminated food or water when it gets mixed with the stool of an infected person. As gross as…



Saniya Aamir

Just a dental professional trying to make dental care more accessible… one article at a time